In search of the Kingfisher

Following hearing and seeing reports that Kingfisher were being seen often in a certain location, I decided to take a walk with my camera and see if I could get any photos.

After trying on Saturday afternoon, a male Kingfisher made a brief visit before flying off and I did not see it again during my visit. Not all was lost and I managed to photograph Grey Wagtail, Moorhen and a Duck.

Determined to try and get some photos, of the Kingfisher, I decided I would get up early on Sunday and see if it made an appearance in the morning. I arrived at the location around 6:45am and waited for the sun to rise.

Sunrise In Mote Park (BKPSCEN00001)
Sunrise In Mote Park (BKPSCEN00001)

Just before 8am the call of a Kingfisher was heard and I finally managed to get some photos. Getting the photos was not always easy, with a high green fence in the area and the light was not great at that time of the morning, but it was still nice to be able to see the bird and get some reasonable shots.

Male Kingfisher On Green Post (BKPBIRD00215)
Male Kingfisher On Green Post (BKPBIRD00215)
Male Kingfisher On Green Post (BKPBIRD00216)
Male Kingfisher On Green Post (BKPBIRD00216)
Male Kingfisher (BKPBIRD00217)
Male Kingfisher (BKPBIRD00217)
Male Kingfisher (BKPBIRD00218)
Male Kingfisher (BKPBIRD00218)
Male Kingfisher (BKPBIRD00219)
Male Kingfisher (BKPBIRD00219)
Male Kingfisher (BKPBIRD00220)
Male Kingfisher (BKPBIRD00220)

I may try again another day, just not at 6:45am in the morning 😀