I entered another two of my wildlife photos into a camera club competition, in December 2020. The judge marked all entered images out of a possible 20 points. One got 18 and the other 17.
Yearly archives: 2020
I entered two of my wildlife photos into a camera club competition, in October 2020. The judge marked all entered images out of a possible 20 points. Both the images below scored 19 out of 20, which I am happy about 🙂
Sorry for the joke 🙂 I posted my mating pair of Red-tailed bumblebees (Bombus lapidarius) photo onto one of my Facebook group pages. It was really nice to see some kind comments and votes that the photo was good. Maybe I will enter it into a competition or two
With some of the lock down restrictions easing, I have started to visit nature reserves again and taken my camera with me. Below are some of my latest photos: Butterflies Bumblebees I have never seen this in the wild before. A mating pair of Red-tailed bumblebees (Bombus lapidarius). I will […]
Well what a year 2019 was for me, photography wise. One of my favourite insects is the Banded Demoiselle and I normally visit a country park where it is possible to see 100+ at the right time of the year. Below is my favourite photo I managed to take of […]