Day 1 of my 365 Challenge and my photo idea came from seeing a post about Iggy the well dressed dinosaur., He is located along Ashford Road, Maidstone (A20). He is currently covered in a banner and balloons. Happy New Year everyone! Taken on my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 2 of my 365 Challenge and today my photo is of a laptop motherboard that needed to be replaced. It’s amazing what is really inside a laptop to make it all work (most of the time) Taken on my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 3 of my 365 Challenge and today my photo is of a selection of RSPB pin badges. I collect these and give a donation to the RSPB for them. Taken on my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 4 of my 365 Challenge and today my photo is of my new owl doorstop. Does this count as natural history Taken on my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 5 of my 365 Challenge and today some natural history. My photo is of a empty dragonfly exuvia case, I collected from my home garden pond. It’s amazing to think a beautiful dragonfly came out of this last summer (2023). Taken on my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 6 of my 365 Challenge and today is a photo from Maidstone. This art work is located on a wall, just before reaching the bus station.
Taken on my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 7 of my 365 Challenge. Today is a photo of vegetation covered in frost. It’s going to turn colder….
Taken on my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 8 of my 365 Challenge. Today is a photo of some snow through glass. Taken on my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 9 of my 365 Challenge. Today is a photo of a orchid we received as a Christmas present. Taken on my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 10 of my 365 Challenge. Today is a photo of a Kingfisher ornament. Is it a “bird on a stick” 😁 Taken on my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 11 of my 365 Challenge. Today is a photo of two small figures, showing two of my hobbies (photography and gardening) Taken on my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 12 of my 365 Challenge. Today is my go at a triptych, following the talk at the club on Tuesday 9th January 2024. Back in 2023, I was asked by a friend for my help in taking some photos for a animal rescue & sanctuary calendar. The calendar has now been printed and I am happy to see some of my photos being used to help support the charity. I am told 250 copies were printed and have already sold.
Day 13 of my 365 Challenge. Today is a photo of some of the 1000 piece jigsaw I have started. Will all the pieces be there? Taken on my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 14 of my 365 Challenge. Today is a photo of some art work in Maidstone Hospital. Taken on my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 15 of my 365 challenge. Today is a photo of one of my stored dahlia tubers. I grow around 50 different dahlias on my half allotment plot each year. I normally dig up my dahlias each winter, to try and protect the tubers from the frosts and cold weather. This dahlia is called War of Roses or York and Lancaster. It has taken me three years to finally get a red and white flower, as this dahlia is known to flower all red or all white at times.
Both images taken on my Samsung mobile phone and then imported into Photoshop for a little sharpening and then creation of the final image.
Day 16 of my 365 Challenge. Today is a photo of the frost on my car this morning. Temperature gauge was reading -4 at the time. Taken on my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 17 of my 365 Challenge. Today is a photo of one of my old birthday cards. I have this up near my PC to remind me to smile Taken on my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 18 of my 365 Challenge. Today is a photo of my snowflake glass. Taken on my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 19 of my 365 Challenge. Today is a photo of a new celebration stone that has been installed in my local nature reserve to celebrate and mark 30 years of it being a place to enjoy for people and wildlife. Taken on my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 20 of my 365 Challenge. If you go down in towards Maidstone town centre, you may be in for a surprise. Meet “Pink Fizz”. One of the Elmer elephants that formed part of the Kent Hospice art trial. Shawn the Sheep is coming in June. Taken on my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 21 of my 365 Challenge. Today, I decided to take a walk along past Tyland Barn and around the footpath of Cobtree golf course. Very muddy in places. The path breaks out into the Cobtree Manor park and so today’s photo is of a stone leaf. Taken on my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 22 of my 365 Challenge. Now which type of memory card shall I use today? Today’s photo is a selection of storage media. Taken on my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 23 of my 365 Challenge. This morning, I was thinking what I could take a photo of. Just as I was leaving for work the sun set the sky colour with a lovely orange glow. Armed with my mobile, I managed to take a photo before the colours faded. It was just luck today being in the right place at the right time. Taken on my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 24 of my 365 Challenge. B is for Ben. One of my old Christmas presents. Taken on my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 25 of my 365 Challenge. It’s another dinosaur. This one is located by Maidstone East Railway Station. Taken on my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 26 of my 365 Challenge. This photo is a follow-up on my Day 13 photo, where I shared a photo of some jigsaw pieces. After a number of evenings, I have managed to complete it. I did think one piece was missing, until I found it underneath the puzzle storage box I use . Taken on my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 27 of my 365 Challenge. Today is a photo of a owl figure🦉. Taken on my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 28 of my 365 Challenge. Today I spent some time counting the birds at one of my local feeding stations for the RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch. I also took my camera in case any nice photos could be taken as well. This is a Nuthatch, feeding on White Sunflower hearts. The birds love them and would welcome me just filling all the feeders with them. Taken with Sony A9 MKII and 200-600 Lens.
Day 29 of my 365 Challenge. Today is a photo of a Anemone I recently purchased. It is called Harmony Scarlet. Taken on my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 30 of my 365 Challenge. Today is a photo of some laptop memory. To install you have to make sure you have the correct version/type and take the bottom cover off the laptop. Not a fun task. Taken on my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 31 of my 365 Challenge. Today is a photo of some Teddy bear money boxes. Had theses for many years. Taken on my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 32 of my 365 Challenge. Today is a photo taken during my lunch time walk. Old Man’s Beard. Taken on my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 33 of my 365 Challenge. Planning ahead for the warmer months. Today is a photo taken of some new dahlia tubers I purchased. Taken on my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 34 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of the two dragons celebrating Lunar New Year in Maidstone. Taken on Sony A9 MKII Camera.
Day 35 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of some snowdrops in my front garden. Taken on Samsung mobile phone.
Day 36 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of some rabbits I found in the supermarket. Does it count as wildlife Taken on Samsung mobile phone.
Day 37 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of the stone ha-ha wall found in Vinters Valley Nature Reserve. Taken on my Samsung mobile phone and converted into black and white using photo software on my mobile.
Day 38 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo taken on my Samsung mobile phone and I decided to just use the photo editing app on my phone to see what I could produce. I think it works…..
Day 39 of my 365 Challenge. Today I am in my works office, so was looking for a photo i could take with my Samsung mobile phone. We have plants in the office, so I took a photo of a green leaf. It did not look right, so I turned it into black and white and change a few sliders in my phones photo app to produce a different version. It’s different….
Day 40 of my 365 Challenge. “It’s the wrong photo Gromit” A collection of this year’s Red Nose Day items available to purchase. Taken with my Samsung mobile phone
Day 41 of my 365 Challenge. I was walking down Maidstone Town Centre and needed to cross over towards The Range. My usual path was blocked. The river flooded the subway. Took the long way round, as shoes were not enough🌧 Taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 42 of my 365 Challenge. I was in my local garden centre and theses Dwarf Narcissus caught my eye. So much I purchased them to bring a bit of colour and hope of some Spring weather coming in March (hopefully) Taken with my Samsung mobile phone
Day 43 of my 365 Challenge. As the weather had improved (no rain for once), I took a lunchtime walk in my local nature reserve. I saw a flock of Starlings and one kindly allowed me to take a few photos, before flying off. Taken on my Sony A9 MKII and with Sony 200-600 Lens.
Day 44 of my 365 Challenge. A day in my work office. After telling one of my work colleagues what the challenge was about, he suggested a photo of his stress release toy. Coloured liquid going down. Taken on my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 45 of my 365 Challenge. Another day in my work office. A plant that is meant to help calm you and believe in yourself. Taken on my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 46 of my 365 Challenge. Signs of Spring/New Life. Taken on my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 47 of my 365 Challenge. Two of my favourite wildlife subjects. Shame they are not real. Taken on my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 48 of my 365 Challenge. Whilst surfing the web, for more information on the Kingfisher, my eye was caught by a photo of a new Lego set. Lego have released a Kingfisher set. So going back to my childhood days, I have decided to purchase and construct it. Will it look like what it is meant to, and can I enter it as a wildlife photo in a competition Taken on my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 49 of my 365 Challenge. Today, after the rain had stopped, I decided to have a quiet day and enjoy being out in the fresh air and with my camera. A Goldfinch stopped to feed on the sunflower hearts feeder, and so I managed to take a few photos. Taken with my Sony A9 MKII and 600mm Lens. Raw image processed with some sharpening.
Day 50 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of some art work my nan did many years ago. She loved natural history and painting was one of her favourite hobbies. She sadly passed away in 2007, however her art lives on. I have this on my wall to remind me of the good times. Taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 51 of my 365 Challenge. Today is a solar light. Its meant to be a butterfly but I think it looks more like a moth. Taken on my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 52 of my 365 Challenge. Today I am in my work office, so had to think of a photo I could take. Spotted another plant and decided to turn the photo black and white, following the excellent talk to the club last night. It’s different. Taken on my Samsung mobile phone and then converted to black and white with mobile photo app.
Day 53 of my 365 Challenge. Bit wet today so duck weather Taken on my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 54 of my 365 Challenge. You may remember that I posted a box of Lego, in the form of a Kingfisher. Well after four nights, it is complete 😃
Photo taken on my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 55 of my 365 Challenge. Today, I made an early visit to see if I could photograph a real Kingfisher this time. After waiting for nearly two hours in the cold (it was reading 0C when I left) this Male Kingfisher landed on a bramble and allowed me to take a few photos The light was just perfect.
Taken on my Sony A9 MKII with 600MM lens. Imported into Photoshop, cropped, processed and some sharpening. It was worth getting up early for once.
Day 56 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of some Toad spawn. Taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 57 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of a cd clock I made. Clock parts purchased online, photo and clock numbers designed in Photoshop. Printed on cd label and then the final clock complete. Photo taken on my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 58 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of some violets. Taken on my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 59 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of some red Carnations. Taken on my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 60 of my 365 Challenge (does today count) Today’s photo is of some Primroses. Is Spring really on the way. Taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 61 of my 365 Challenge. The weather was so bad and with other commitments, today’s photo is of two hares. Taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 62 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of a large poppy, I found during a visit to the garden centre. Taken on my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 63 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of a dog statue. Taken on my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 64 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of a water wheel feature I have in my garden. I wanted to try and use my mobile camera to see if it could freeze motion. Taken with my Samsung Mobile Phone.
Day 65 of my 365 Challenge. Today is a photo from my walk, before heading into the office. White Clematis flower. Taken on my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 66 of my 365 Challenge. Today, going back to my childhood. Slinky Original. Taken on my Samsung mobile phone
Day 67 of my 365 Challenge. Today is a photo of a collection of my photos. Taken on my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 68 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of a old Comic Relief Red nose. Not sure how old it is. Taken on my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 69 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of some Crocus. Taken on my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 70 of my 365 Challenge. Well, it’s raining again and so I did not take my dslr with me. Today’s photo is of some Hawthorn blossom. Taken on my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 71 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of some Snake’s head fritillary. Taken with my Samsung mobile phone. Imported into Photoshop for a little sharpening.
Day 72 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of some Pussy willow. Taken whilst shopping tonight. Taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 73 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of some fun-gi. Taken in a local play area. Taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 74 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of some frog spawn, laid in my garden pond a few days ago. Taken with my Samsung mobile phone. I imported the photo into Photoshop and turned it into black & white. Something a little different.
Day 75 of my 365 Challenge. Today is Red Nose Day. Today’s photo is of some Red Nose Day items, I purchased. Taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 76 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of the lake area at my local nature reserve. I sometimes just come down and sit to relax and to step away. Taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 77 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of a stone carving of a old Farthing coin. Taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 78 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of a single Wood Anemone. Taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 79 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of a Magnolia tree, I found during my walk before work. Taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 80 of my 365 Challenge. Another morning walk, before heading to my work office. Today’s photo is of a Periwinkle flower. Taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 81 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of my Puffin money pouch, purchased whilst on holiday at Bempton Cliffs a few years back. Taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 82 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of sunset over the local housing estate. Taken on my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 83 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of a milkmaid flower. Macro on my mobile. Taken on my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 84 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is a closeup. Just as I took the photo a small fly landed as well. Taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 85 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of a fern leaf. Taken with my Samsung mobile phone
Day 86 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of a new piece of technology, I have recently purchased. This device records bird song and calls. Then using its own app with AI technology it examines all the recordings and produces a list of what it thinks it heard. Most of time it gets it right, but the odd record does appear and needs correction. A great aid in helping keep records for my local nature reserve updated. Taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 87 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is something from the I.T archives. It’s a 5.25″ disk. How many raw files would fit on this Taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 88 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of my local post box dressed up for Easter. It must have taken a lot of time and hard work to create it. Taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 89 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of a Gerbera flower, taken whilst out at a garden centre. Taken on my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 90 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of the first bluebells coming out into flower. Hopefully it will not be long before we see carpets of blue. Taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 91 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of my rotavator. Time to start planning my Dahlias plot. Taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
ay 92 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of one of the new dinosaur statues that form part of a walk in Maidstone. Taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 93 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of a Peacock butterfly. Taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 94 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of a Gonk. Taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 95 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of one of my plastic waterlily’s. The bottom leaf is from a real waterlily. Taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 96 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of a Dandelion flower. Taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 97 of my 365 Challenge. Before heading off to the Maidstone Studios to watch a TV show being recorded, I took a break in my local nature reserve. Today’s photo is of a White dead-nettle. Taken with my Samsung mobile phone
Day 98 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of a Pansey flower, whilst I was visiting a garden centre for seed trays. Taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 99 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of new life from my garden pond. Today several damselflies hatched and I managed to take a photo of one before it flew off. Taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 100 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of a Rhododendron flower. Taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 101 of my 365 Challenge. Todays photo is of some ivy climbing slowly up a tree. Taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 102 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of a mint chocolate orange. Taken with my Samsung mobile phone. P.S It will be gone soon. Yummy
Day 103 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of some Cherry blossom. Taken on my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 104 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of my happy frog. Taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 105 of my 365 Challenge. Todays photo is a bit of macro photography with my mobile. Ladybird. Taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 106 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of my solar moving owl. Taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 107 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is taken on my morning walk, before heading into the office. Colourful Tulip. Taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 108 of my 365 Challenge. Today I am up in London with friends from Maidstone Camera Club. Today’s photo is of the Millennium Bridge in colour. Taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 109 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of some Red Campion with a visiting Bee. Taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 110 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of one of my little mouse figures. Taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 111 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of some more bluebells, but with a white one included. No editing in Photoshop. Taken on my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 112 of my 365 Challenge. After a very enjoyable day at Rainham Marshes with members of the wildlife group, I visited my local garden centre. I was only going in for some compost, but a Clematis flower caught my eye and so as well as being my photo for today, it came home with me. Taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 113 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of my Gromit statue. Taken on my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 114 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is entitled “Waiting For Time” Taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 115 of my 365 Challenge. Taken during my morning walk, before heading into the work office. Lilac flower. Taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 116 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of some seeds I am planning to sow, if the weather finally improves. Taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 117 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of some Calceolaria flowers. Taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 118 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is a piece of wildlife metal work I have hanging on the garden wall. Taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 119 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo was more of being in the right place at the right time…. On my walk back from Maidstone Town Centre a freshly emerged Small White butterfly landed near me. Too cold for it to fly so it was sitting on a plant. Taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 120 of my 365 Challenge. What a difference in the weather today. Today’s photo is of a Buttercup flower with insect included. Taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 121 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of a plant in my work office, but with some mobile app effects applied. Does it work. I am not 100% sure but its different. Taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 122 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of a plant stem, converted into black and white. Taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 123 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of an Allotments trophy. Taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 124 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of my rosette from today. Taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 125 of my 365 Challenge. Well I think I may get a bit wet, as I did not take my coat or umbrella. Today’s photo is of storm clouds forming in the sky. Taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 126 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of Scotney Castle. Nice to be out and about with friends of Maidstone Camera Club. Taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 127 of my 365 Challenge. It stopped raining for a brief while, so I popped out to my local garden centre. Some of you know, I like growing Dahlias. Almost time for me to replant my 50+ tubers, but this one grabbed my attention today. Taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 128 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of a nice present given to me recently. I promise not to drink it before the print competition tonight Taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 129 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of a Oxeye Daisy with a snail. Taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 130 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of preparation for tonight’s wildlife group evening. Taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 131 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of a flower from my snowball tree. Taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 132 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of a Keria flower. Taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 133 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of 2nd hand Sony lens I purchased yesterday. Its a 20mm F1.8 lens. Shame the northern lights did not appear last night, but maybe tonight. Taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 134 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of hedgehog ornament I spotted in a supermarket tonight. Taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 135 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of one of my Blue Tit ornaments. Taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 136 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of some of the pin badges I have collected over the years. Taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 137 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of a Orange rose in my garden. Taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 138 of my 365 Challenge. Apologies for the quality of the photo. Taken with my mobile and off my tv screen, so some interference. Today’s photo is of eight Coal Tit chick’s currently in one of my bird boxes. They should fledge in the next few days.
Day 139 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of dinner at Tenterden Railway 40’s Day. Taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 140 of my 365 Challenge. Today I am out in London with friends of Maidstone Camera Club. Today’s photo is of London shadows. Taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 141 of my 365 Challenge. One of my metal ladybird. Taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 142 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of a Origami fish that one of my work colleagues created today. Very cleaver and I have no chance of making one. Taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 143 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of my purple roses in the garden. The rain on them inspired me to take the photo. Processed with Snapseed and taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 144 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of another of my roses that I grow. This one is called Hot Chocolate. Sadly cannot drink it Taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 145 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of a Primula flower. Taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 146 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of a Foxglove flower on my allotment plot. Editing in Snapseed and taking with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 147 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of large inflatable duck. Taken whilst at the Kent Garden Show. Does it count as wildlife 😁 Edited in Snapseed and taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 148 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of one of the Elmer elephants that formed part of a trial for the Kent Hospice. Now located in The Mall. Edited in Snapseed and taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 149 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of a Clematis flower. Edited with Snapseed and taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 150 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo was taken on my morning walk before heading to work. Elderberry flower. Edited with Snapseed and taken with my Samsung mobile.
Day 151 of my 365 Challenge. I forgot to post this yesterday. One of my mobile phone photos I spent some time editing. Edited in Photoshop and taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 152 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo of the flowers on one of my Begonia plants, with a bit of rain on them. Where has the Spring weather gone. Edited with Snapseed and taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 153 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo was taken whilst waiting to enter a plant sale in Otford. Edited with Snapseed and taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 154 of my 365 Challenge. Today I am leading a field trip for butterflies and orchids. No DSLR with me today, but still have my mobile. Bee Orchid. Taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 155 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of one of my metal owl lights. Taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 156 of my 365 Challenge. During my morning walk, before heading into my work office, I saw some Mind your own business plant growing along a wall. Edited with my mobile phone gallery software and taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 157 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo, captured during my morning walk. White climbing Rose. Edited with Snapseed and taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 158 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of the sun setting over Grove Green. Edited with Snapseed and taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 159 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of some aquatic water Iris I have growing around the edge of my wildlife pond.
Edited with Snapseed and taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 160 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of some bramble flowers. Edited with Snapseed and taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 161 of my 365 Challenge. Today I am helping take photos of the sponsored walks in aid of Parkinson’s UK (South East) at Mote Park.
A charity that does fantastic work. Edited with Snapseed and taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 162 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of my initials in lights. Edited with Snapseed and taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 163 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo was taken on my morning walk before heading into work office. Love in a Mist flower with dew. Edited with Snapseed and taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 164 of my 365 Challenge. Today I thought I would try something different. The council have not been cutting some of the grass areas and so there were some beautiful grass heads. I took the photo in colour but I was not 100% happy with how it looked. Editing in Snapseed I decided to try some of the black and white filters it has. I think the final version looks better? Taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 165 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of some of my hanging basket petunia flowers. They are called Night Sky. Edited with Snapseed and taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 166 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of a butterfly that I have on my garden fence. Edited with Snapseed and taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 167 of my 365 Challenge. Today I needed to have my eye test. Afterwards I spent a short while browsing the new store in The Mall, Maidstone. This caught my eye, so I took a photo. It also ended coming home with me. Edited with Snapseed and taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 168 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of some Poppies on my allotment site. Edited with Snapseed and taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 169 of my 365 Challenge. Today I had dinner at Lockmeadow. On my way home I took a picture of the wall art at Maidstone Market. Edited with Snapseed and taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 170 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo was taken on my morning walk before heading into work. Agapanthus. Edited with Snapseed and taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 171 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of a Fuchsia flower. Edited with Snapseed and taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 172 of my 365 Challenge. After sitting at my desk for hours, I decided to take a walk up to my local M&S. Along the way, my eye was caught by several Pyramidal Orchids growing along the path, so two of them are my photo for today. Edited with Snapseed and taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 173 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of one of my colourful Geraniums. Edited with Snapseed and taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 174 of my 365 Challenge. Before I spend the day photographing in Maidstone, I popped along to my allotment plot to check on my Dahlias. Good news is all ok and no signs of slug damage. On my way home, I drove through Sandling village. Today’s photo is of the village sign. Edited with Snapseed and taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 175 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo was taken whilst I was looking around IKEA. Dog faces. Edited with Snapseed and taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 176 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of a happy garden gnome. Edited with Snapseed and taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 177 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo may be needed if the heat continues . Edited with Snapseed and taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 178 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of a plant that likes the warm weather to grow. I planted my Dahlia tubers a few weeks ago and was a little concerned about the lack of growth. Today I think I can relax as what a difference. Edited with Snapseed and taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 179 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of some Lavender. Edited with Snapseed and taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 180 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of one of my favourite wildlife images I took and have framed on my wall. Banded Demoiselles. Today’s version edited with Snapseed and taken with my Samsung mobile phone
Day 181 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo was taken at 04.45am at Allington Locks. Edited with Snapseed and taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 182 of my 365 Challenge. What a difference in the weather today. Today’s photo is of a Bumblebee with some nectar on its feet. Taken using macro mode on my phone. Edited with Snapseed and taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 183 of my 365 Challenge. On Saturday 29th June 2024, I went around the Shaun the Sheep art trial. I managed to find and see all 101 sculptures. I spent some time editing the following photo today, removing the chain around it and giving the image a bit more sharpening. This one is one of my favourites. It might be because it has a Kingfisher on it Please help support the Heart of Kent Hospice. Edited in Photoshop and taken with my Sony DSLR.
Day 184 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of a Gold Waving Lucky Fortune Cat. Edited with Snapseed and taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 185 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of some Buddleia flowers. Edited with Snapseed and taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 186 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of a PC I have, which I use for project work. Very small but has Windows 11 installed, a solid state hard drive and even a HDMI port to connect a external monitor. Not tried Photoshop on it Taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 187 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of my Tawny Owls ornament. Edited with Snapseed and taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 188 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of my new Looney Tunes socks. Edited with Snapseed and taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 189 of my 365 Challenge. What a wet afternoon. Went out to a garden centre and saw a pink Clematis plant that was reduced. I could not see anything wrong with it, so purchased it. Lots of flowers on it to brighten up the day. Edited with Snapseed and taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 190 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo of a small Shaun the Sheep solar model. Edited with Snapseed and taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 191 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is one of my new Dahlias. Edited with Snapseed and taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 192 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is a view of London from Horizon 22. Floor 58. Edited with Snapseed and taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 193 of my 365 Challenge. Something to drink this weekend. Cheers . Edited with Snapseed and taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 194 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo was one that caught my eye. New Fuchsia flowers coming through our neighbours fence. Edited with Snapseed and taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 195 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo, breakfast at local supermarket. Edited with Snapseed and taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 196 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of a new marquee that has been donated to the reserve I support. Edited with Snapseed and taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 197 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of a metal insect. I think it is meant to be a bee or wasp. Edited with Snapseed and taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 198 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo. Anyone fancy an ice cream. Someone is very talented. Edited with Snapseed and taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 199 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of some Sweet Pea flowers. Edited with Snapseed and taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Wow. Day 200 of my 365 Challenge and I am still going. Today’s photo is of my first Dahlia Flower from my allotment. Edited with Snapseed and taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 201 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of a Passion Flower. Edited with Snapseed and taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 202 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo was taken whilst walking into Maidstone Town Centre. Wild Sweet Pea. Edited with Snapseed and taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 203 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of a Rudbeckia flower. Edited with Snapseed and taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 204 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is from Oare Marshes. Edited with Snapseed and taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 205 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of a white Scabious flower. Edited with Snapseed and taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 206 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of some Lichen. Used the macro feature on my mobile. Edited with Snapseed and taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 207 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of one of my new Dahlias. Strange but different flower to the normal ones I grow. Edited with Snapseed and taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 208 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of a very large print at Wakehurst Gardens. Cannot imagine what printer they used to print it. Edited with Snapseed and taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 209 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of a very nice Carrot Cake. Yummy Edited with Snapseed and taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 210 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of one of my Kingfisher photos turned into black and white and line art effect in Photoshop. Taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 211 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of my new mini solar Gromit (from Wallace and Gromit). Edited with Snapseed and taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 212 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of the flower of a plant known as Elephants Ears. Edited with Snapseed and taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 213 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of one of the bees on my wildlife terracotta flower pot. Edited with Snapseed and taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 214 of my 365 Challenge. They are not real and only soft toys, but today’s photo is of my favourite mammal, the Badger. Edited with Snapseed and taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 215 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of some trailing Lobelia. Edited with Snapseed and taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 216 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of a Puffin decoration. Edited with Snapseed and taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 217 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo shows sadly nature in action. A Crab Spider caught a Meadow Brown butterfly whilst it was on a Scabious flower. Edited with Snapseed and taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 218 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of a new jigsaw puzzle I purchased a while back. One of my favourite wildlife subjects. I will set about trying to complete it later in the year. Photography first. Taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 219 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of my new baaag….. Edited with Snapseed and taken with my Samsung mobile phone
Day 220 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is some of the snacks in my work office. I was good and did not eat any. Edited with Snapseed and taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 221 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of some new network cables for my home network. Lots of colours to make sure I know which goes where. Taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 222 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of my smiley magnets. Keep smiling Edited with Snapseed and taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 223 of my 365 Challenge. oday’s photo. It’s amazing where you can find wildlife 😁 Edited with Snapseed and taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 224 of my 365 Challenge. Looks like it’s going to be a hot day, so l popped down to my Dahlias. Some nice flowers and this on is called Tracy Diane. Edited with Snapseed and taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 225 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of some of my solar powered figures. Taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 226 of my 365 Challenge. “It’s the wrong photo Gromit”. One from my Wallace and Gromit collection. Taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 227 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of Shaun the Sheep. Maybe if I used photoshop and cloned him so many times, I could count sheep and get some sleep Edited with Snapseed and taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 228 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of some yummy ice cream. I am not going to eat both of them, as one is for someone else. Edited with Snapseed and taken with my Samsung mobile phone, before the cold gets to my head
Day 229 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of the team of helpers putting up the print frames for the Exhibition in The Mall Maidstone, on Saturday 17th. Taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 230 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo was taken early this morning when there was some dew on my Clematis flowers. Edited with Snapseed and taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 231 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of some Wacadoddles taken whilst at Lockmeadow. The stall holder makes these all herself. A lot of work goes into them. Edited with Snapseed and taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 232 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of a old wooden train that I used to play with when visiting my auntie’s house. Amazing what you find when having a clear out session. I kept it. Edited with Snapseed and taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 233 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of a rag stone wall, converted to black and white. Edited with Snapseed and taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 234 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of one of the smallest flowering Dahlias I grow. Around the size of a golf ball. Edited with Snapseed and taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 235 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is a bit sweet. Anyone would think Chris… (not going to say it as too early) is coming. Edited with Snapseed and taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 236 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of one of colourful Shaun the Sheep sculptures. Edited with Snapseed and taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 237 of my 365 Challenge. What horrible weather today. Just stopped raining so decided to see if it capture some rain drops. Found some on the leaves of my rose. Decided to try turning the photo into black and white. Does it work? Edited with Snapseed and taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 238 of my 365 Challenge. A busy day today, so I took a rest this evening. My Bumble Bee cushion. Edited with Snapseed and taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 239 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo. Time for a break and sit down. Edited with Snapseed and taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 240 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of a memory from my holiday to Bempton Cliffs a few years ago. Perhaps in 2025 I can go back or enjoy a holiday. Taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 241 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of a “All in One” PC that needed a hard drive repair. Taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 242 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of a garden stone windmill. Edited with Snapseed and taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 243 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is one of my favourites. My first ever print I entered into a print competition. It scored 19 and came 4th. Taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 244 of my 365 Challenge. Photo is of some planned DIY. I wonder how much will go on the walls or me. Taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 245 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of a wooden carving along towards Turkey Mill. Edited with Snapseed and taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 246 of my 365 Challenge. After a number of failed deliveries it finally arrived and I got a discount for the delay. Today’s photo is of the stages of building and setting up my home network cabinet. I took the decision to have a tidy up. Edited with Snapseed and taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 247 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of a Barometer. Will the weather change? Edited with Snapseed and taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 248 of my 365 Challenge. New BIG tv in a meeting room. Edited with Snapseed and taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 249 of my 365 Challenge. Butterfly cut out in one of my lamp shades. Edited with Snapseed and taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 250 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of my next project, when time allows. Owl clock. Edited with Snapseed and taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 251 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of our club exhibition at Lockmeadow. Edited with Snapseed and taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 252 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of a jigsaw puzzle I completed a few years ago. I liked the picture that I decided to frame and keep it. Edited with Snapseed and taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 253 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of some DIY tools. Edited with Snapseed and taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 254 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of some carpet patterns. Edited with Snapseed and taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 255 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of my grandads clock he received, many years ago. Edited with Snapseed and taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 256 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of my Springer Spaniel cushion. Edited with Snapseed and taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 257 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of my glitter light. Edited with Snapseed and taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 258 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of the stone guard dog. Edited with Snapseed and taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 259 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of a walkway with lines. Converted to black and white. Edited with Snapseed and taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 260 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of a old clock mechanism. Edited with Snapseed and taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 261 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of some old bricks. I was not happy with the colour version, so converted it to black and white. Edited with Snapseed and taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 262 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of a door knocker in the shape of a fish. Edited with Snapseed and taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 263 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is from one of my old birthday cards. Edited with Snapseed and taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 264 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of my Mouse ornament. Edited with Snapseed and taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 265 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photos is of a Owl clock. Edited with Snapseed and taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 266 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of rain drops off my roof rack. Edited with Snapseed and taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 267 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo was taken around 4am. Due to the heavy rain I had to clear a blocked drain. Whilst resolving the issue, a piece of wildlife joined me. Taken with my Samsung mobile phone and used flash.
Day 268 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo comes whilst shopping in a supermarket. I know Halloween is coming but was surprised what you can buy. Mr and Mrs skeleton. Edited with Snapseed and taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 269 of my 365 Challenge. Photo is of my Badger cushion. Edited with Snapseed and taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 270 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of my wren window statue. Edited with Snapseed and taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 271 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of some Hares from one of my roller blinds. Edited with Snapseed and taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 272 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is something different. I had some building work done and have been clearing up the dust. Left a pair of scissors on top of a black cabinet and they left a mark. Edited with Snapseed and taken with my Samsung mobile phone. P.S the dust has been cleaned away.
Day 273 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of an old tile I found. Think it is a Olive tree. Edited with Snapseed and taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 274 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of one of my stone Blue Tits I have along my windowsill. Taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 275 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of Pac-Man. Taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 276 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of my owl cookie jar. Taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 277 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of a new Heron bird species to the garden. It has the Latin name of plastic plastic Edited with Snapseed and taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 278 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of my metal snowflake. Taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 279 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of a yummy pizza. Taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 280 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of some Holly covered in spider webs that has seen rain fall on them. Edited with Snapseed and taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 281 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of Pumpkins . Edited with Snapseed and taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 282 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of one of Shaun the sheep’s that was part of the trial in Maidstone this year. My employer decided to bid and support the Hospice with money for their excellent work and support they provided. Taken with Samsung mobile phone.
Day 283 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of a felt roofing gas burner. Having some work carried out. Taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 284 of my 365 Challenge. Stack of Pumpkins. Taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 285 of my 365 Challenge. Today I needed to drive to my work office and for the first time this autumn, I had to deice my car. Photo taken through the windscreen, whilst waiting for it to clear. Taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 286 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of a celebrity at Maidstone Litfest. Gyles Brandreth, with jumper. Edited with Snapseed and taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 287 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of a painting my nan did many years ago. She loved to paint flowers and wildlife. Taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 288 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of a white squirrel decoration. There used to be a white squirrel near to where I live, but I have not seen it for a while. Taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 289 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of my solar moving Pumpkin. Edited with Snapseed and taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 290 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of some very wet shopping trolleys. Taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 291 of my 365 Challenge. Photo is of a plant/flower called Calendula. Edited with Snapseed and taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 292 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is my decorating tools. Repainting walls. Not a fun job. Edited with Snapseed and taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 293 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of more of my decorating. 1st coat on the wall this morning. Taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 294 of my 365 Challenge. Today, I felt I needed a treat. Which one shall I choose? Taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 295 of my 365 Challenge. Which one should I try first. Yummy Taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 296 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of autumn leaves. Edited with Snapseed and taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 297 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of the Misty and foggy morning weather. Edited with Snapseed and taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 298 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of a wooden holiday souvenir I collected when I stayed in Corfu, Greece many years ago now. Edited with Snapseed and taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 299 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of mini Shaun the Sheep. Edited with Snapseed and taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 300 of my 365 Challenge. Red rose. Edited with Snapseed and taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 301 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of some of my cone led lights. Edited with Snapseed and taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 302 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is some of the equipment and tester I am using whilst installing my new network. Taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 303 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is a bit of wildlife I hope I do not find one of these species. Edited with Snapseed and taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 304 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of one of my lights in the shape of a leaf. I believe it’s meant to be a Maple. Edited with Snapseed and taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 305 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of a spooky hedge. Happy Halloween . Edited with Snapseed and taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 306 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of my wall clock. Taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 307 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of some Chrysanthemum flowers. Edited with Snapseed and taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 308 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of one of my prints in the KCPA one day exhibition. Waxwing. Taken with my Samsung mobile phone. Printed on Oyster paper.
Day 309 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is the bunch of flowers I purchased for my mum. Taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 310 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of a wooden rabbit carving. Taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 311 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of my new lampshade. Taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 312 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of the “I.T Kit” needed for camera clubs Wildlife Group meeting tonight. Taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 313 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of the progress I am making laying my new laminate flooring. Knees hurt. Taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 314 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of this camera I spotted whilst shopping. Does it mean using this camera would get me a 20 score in a competition Taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 315 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of the start of the parade for Remembrance Sunday. Taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 316 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of my new Sony TV. Wall mounted and hopefully secure Taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 317 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of a small network switch. Taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 318 of my 365 Challenge. Photo is of my knee pads. After laying laminate flooring for the last few days I think I need them. Taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 319 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of some Christmas trees in a supermarket. Seems to be earlier each year. Taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 320 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of a door number. Edited with Snapseed and taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 321 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of one of my Owl lights. Edited with Snapseed and taken with my Samsung mobile.
Day 322 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of a well guarded Christmas Tree in Maidstone. Taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 323 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of glass with a flower pattern. Edited with Snapseed and taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 324 of my 365 Challenge. Well today’s photo brings an end to my Dahlias for this season. With the frosts and colder weather it’s time to dig up and rescue the tubers ready for storage. More to do but I have made a start. Taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 325 of my 365 Challenge. I cannot believe the difference in the weather this week. Ground frost covered some of my plants and made a nice photo opportunity. Edited with Snapseed and taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 326 of my 365 Challenge. The frost came and finished off my last Fuchsia flowers. Roll on Spring. Taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 327 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of frost on my car roof. Taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 328 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of a Elf that came with some flowers I brought for my mum. Taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 329 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of Santa. He came early or got blown off course. Taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 330 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of my new bird feeder and seed to help the birds. Edited with Snapseed and taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 331 of my 365 Challenge. Photo of the day was of a colourful plant leaf. No idea what the plant is called. Edited with Snapseed and taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 332 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of a nearby house that has a fantastic Christmas light display. Taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 333 of my 365 Challenge. It must be colder. Snowman found in shop 😀 Taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 334 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo shows progress of installing worktop. All cut and needs to be secured. Taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 335 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of my wooden snowflake decoration. Edited with Snapseed and taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 336 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of Santa’s sleigh. Taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 337 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of a metal Santa decoration. Edited with Snapseed and taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 338 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of the chocolates from my office advent calendar. Taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 339 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of a wonderful Christmas lights display. Edited with Snapseed and taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 340 of my 365 Challenge. Photo of the day was if my LED Snowman. Taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 341 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of the latest knitted work added to my local post box. Taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 342 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of my Kingfisher mobile. Taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 343 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of my new camera bird box. Taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 344 of my 365 Challenge. Photo is of a Christmas Gonk.
Day 345 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of Christmas Lights on a neighbours house. Looks like it has caught the measles. Taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 346 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of new bit of tech I purchased in a sale. Smart heater and cooler. That should help in my new office. Taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 347 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of some shortbread in the shape of Christmas trees. Yummy. Edited with Snapseed and taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 348 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of star lights. Edited with Snapseed and taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 349 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of my new popup Christmas Tree. Taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 350 of my 365 Challenge. I cannot believe it is getting close to the end. Today’s photo is of a fantastic lights display that the two houses have put up to raise money for charity. Edited with Snapseed and taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 351 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of a manger that a neighbour has put up. Even has Christmas songs playing as you walk by. Edited with Snapseed and taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 352 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of a Christmas scene. Taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 353 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photos is of the countdown to the number of sleeps left to Christmas. Edited with Snapseed and taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 354 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of Santa riding a Polar Bear. I thought he had reindeer. Taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 355 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of my elf decoration. Taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 356 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of Frosty the Snowman. Taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 357 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photos is of my metal Christmas Tree light and some crackers. Taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 358 of my 365 Challenge. Shops were crazy this morning at 7.30am. Window display. Taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 359 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is a local conifer tree covered in Christmas items. Taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 360 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is time for a piece of cake and to enjoy a break. Happy Christmas all. Edited with Snapseed and taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 361 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photos is of the promotion of the sales. Taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 362 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of one of mum’s Otter ornaments. Edited with Snapseed and taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 363 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo was taken during my visit, this evening, to a certain furniture store, to purchase more furniture for my room. Flat pack city. Taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 364 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of my flat packs built. Taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 365 of my 365 Challenge. Can not believe tomorrow is the last day. Today’s photo is of a tripod head I purchased a few months ago. Planning to use it for wildlife photography starting next year. Edited with Snapseed and taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 366 of my 365 Challenge. The last photo and it’s been fun. Cheers everyone and Happy New Year (a bit early).