For 2024, I have set myself a challenge. Will I manage to complete it…..
A 365 photo challenge is a project where you capture an image every day for a year. It can be on any subject, be a big boost for your photography and motivate you.
Before anyone asks or says anything, yes I know this year (2024) is a leap year, so there will be 366 photos 😆
I am sharing my 365 challenge photos on my website. Below are the photos for February 2024:
Day 32 of my 365 Challenge. Today is a photo taken during my lunch time walk. Old Man’s Beard. Taken on my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 33 of my 365 Challenge. Planning ahead for the warmer months. Today is a photo taken of some new dahlia tubers I purchased. Taken on my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 34 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of the two dragons celebrating Lunar New Year in Maidstone. Taken on Sony A9 MKII Camera.
Day 35 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of some snowdrops in my front garden. Taken on Samsung mobile phone.
Day 36 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of some rabbits I found in the supermarket. Does it count as wildlife Taken on Samsung mobile phone.
Day 37 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of the stone ha-ha wall found in Vinters Valley Nature Reserve. Taken on my Samsung mobile phone and converted into black and white using photo software on my mobile.
Day 38 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo taken on my Samsung mobile phone and I decided to just use the photo editing app on my phone to see what I could produce. I think it works…..
Day 39 of my 365 Challenge. Today I am in my works office, so was looking for a photo i could take with my Samsung mobile phone. We have plants in the office, so I took a photo of a green leaf. It did not look right, so I turned it into black and white and change a few sliders in my phones photo app to produce a different version. It’s different….
Day 40 of my 365 Challenge. “It’s the wrong photo Gromit” A collection of this year’s Red Nose Day items available to purchase. Taken with my Samsung mobile phone
Day 41 of my 365 Challenge. I was walking down Maidstone Town Centre and needed to cross over towards The Range. My usual path was blocked. The river flooded the subway. Took the long way round, as shoes were not enough🌧 Taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 42 of my 365 Challenge. I was in my local garden centre and theses Dwarf Narcissus caught my eye. So much I purchased them to bring a bit of colour and hope of some Spring weather coming in March (hopefully) Taken with my Samsung mobile phone
Day 43 of my 365 Challenge. As the weather had improved (no rain for once), I took a lunchtime walk in my local nature reserve. I saw a flock of Starlings and one kindly allowed me to take a few photos, before flying off. Taken on my Sony A9 MKII and with Sony 200-600 Lens.
Day 44 of my 365 Challenge. A day in my work office. After telling one of my work colleagues what the challenge was about, he suggested a photo of his stress release toy. Coloured liquid going down. Taken on my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 45 of my 365 Challenge. Another day in my work office. A plant that is meant to help calm you and believe in yourself. Taken on my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 46 of my 365 Challenge. Signs of Spring/New Life. Taken on my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 47 of my 365 Challenge. Two of my favourite wildlife subjects. Shame they are not real. Taken on my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 48 of my 365 Challenge. Whilst surfing the web, for more information on the Kingfisher, my eye was caught by a photo of a new Lego set. Lego have released a Kingfisher set. So going back to my childhood days, I have decided to purchase and construct it. Will it look like what it is meant to, and can I enter it as a wildlife photo in a competition Taken on my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 49 of my 365 Challenge. Today, after the rain had stopped, I decided to have a quiet day and enjoy being out in the fresh air and with my camera. A Goldfinch stopped to feed on the sunflower hearts feeder, and so I managed to take a few photos. Taken with my Sony A9 MKII and 600mm Lens. Raw image processed with some sharpening.
Day 50 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of some art work my nan did many years ago. She loved natural history and painting was one of her favourite hobbies. She sadly passed away in 2007, however her art lives on. I have this on my wall to remind me of the good times. Taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 51 of my 365 Challenge. Today is a solar light. Its meant to be a butterfly but I think it looks more like a moth. Taken on my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 52 of my 365 Challenge. Today I am in my work office, so had to think of a photo I could take. Spotted another plant and decided to turn the photo black and white, following the excellent talk to the club last night. It’s different. Taken on my Samsung mobile phone and then converted to black and white with mobile photo app.
Day 53 of my 365 Challenge. Bit wet today so duck weather Taken on my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 54 of my 365 Challenge. You may remember that I posted a box of Lego, in the form of a Kingfisher. Well after four nights, it is complete 😃
Photo taken on my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 55 of my 365 Challenge. Today, I made an early visit to see if I could photograph a real Kingfisher this time. After waiting for nearly two hours in the cold (it was reading 0C when I left) this Male Kingfisher landed on a bramble and allowed me to take a few photos The light was just perfect.
Taken on my Sony A9 MKII with 600MM lens. Imported into Photoshop, cropped, processed and some sharpening. It was worth getting up early for once.
Day 56 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of some Toad spawn. Taken with my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 57 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of a cd clock I made. Clock parts purchased online, photo and clock numbers designed in Photoshop. Printed on cd label and then the final clock complete. Photo taken on my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 58 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of some violets. Taken on my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 59 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of some red Carnations. Taken on my Samsung mobile phone.
Day 60 of my 365 Challenge (does today count) Today’s photo is of some Primroses. Is Spring really on the way. Taken with my Samsung mobile phone.