365 Challenge – July 2024 Photos

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For 2024, I have set myself a challenge. Will I manage to complete it…..

A 365 photo challenge is a project where you capture an image every day for a year. It can be on any subject, be a big boost for your photography and motivate you.

Before anyone asks or says anything, yes I know this year (2024) is a leap year, so there will be 366 photos 😆

I am sharing my 365 challenge photos on my website. Below are the photos for July 2024:

Day 183 of my 365 Challenge. On Saturday 29th June 2024, I went around the Shaun the Sheep art trial. I managed to find and see all 101 sculptures. I spent some time editing the following photo today, removing the chain around it and giving the image a bit more sharpening. This one is one of my favourites. It might be because it has a Kingfisher on it 🙂 Please help support the Heart of Kent Hospice. Edited in Photoshop and taken with my Sony DSLR.

Day 184 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of a Gold Waving Lucky Fortune Cat. Edited with Snapseed and taken with my Samsung mobile phone.

Day 185 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of some Buddleia flowers. Edited with Snapseed and taken with my Samsung mobile phone.

Day 186 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of a PC I have, which I use for project work. Very small but has Windows 11 installed, a solid state hard drive and even a HDMI port to connect a external monitor. Not tried Photoshop on it 🙂 Taken with my Samsung mobile phone.

Day 187 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of my Tawny Owls ornament. Edited with Snapseed and taken with my Samsung mobile phone.

Day 188 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of my new Looney Tunes socks. Edited with Snapseed and taken with my Samsung mobile phone.

Day 189 of my 365 Challenge. What a wet afternoon. Went out to a garden centre and saw a pink Clematis plant that was reduced. I could not see anything wrong with it, so purchased it. Lots of flowers on it to brighten up the day. Edited with Snapseed and taken with my Samsung mobile phone.

Day 190 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo of a small Shaun the Sheep solar model. Edited with Snapseed and taken with my Samsung mobile phone.

Day 191 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is one of my new Dahlias. Edited with Snapseed and taken with my Samsung mobile phone.

Day 192 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is a view of London from Horizon 22. Floor 58. Edited with Snapseed and taken with my Samsung mobile phone.

Day 193 of my 365 Challenge. Something to drink this weekend. Cheers 🍻. Edited with Snapseed and taken with my Samsung mobile phone.

Day 194 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo was one that caught my eye. New Fuchsia flowers coming through our neighbours fence. Edited with Snapseed and taken with my Samsung mobile phone.

Day 195 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo, breakfast at local supermarket. Edited with Snapseed and taken with my Samsung mobile phone.

Day 196 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of a new marquee that has been donated to the reserve I support. Edited with Snapseed and taken with my Samsung mobile phone.

Day 197 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of a metal insect. I think it is meant to be a bee or wasp. Edited with Snapseed and taken with my Samsung mobile phone.

Day 198 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo. Anyone fancy an ice cream. Someone is very talented. Edited with Snapseed and taken with my Samsung mobile phone.

Day 199 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of some Sweet Pea flowers. Edited with Snapseed and taken with my Samsung mobile phone.

Wow. Day 200 of my 365 Challenge and I am still going. Today’s photo is of my first Dahlia Flower from my allotment. Edited with Snapseed and taken with my Samsung mobile phone.

Day 201 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of a Passion Flower. Edited with Snapseed and taken with my Samsung mobile phone.

Day 202 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo was taken whilst walking into Maidstone Town Centre. Wild Sweet Pea. Edited with Snapseed and taken with my Samsung mobile phone.

Day 203 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of a Rudbeckia flower. Edited with Snapseed and taken with my Samsung mobile phone.

Day 204 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is from Oare Marshes. Edited with Snapseed and taken with my Samsung mobile phone.

Day 205 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of a white Scabious flower. Edited with Snapseed and taken with my Samsung mobile phone.

Day 206 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of some Lichen. Used the macro feature on my mobile. Edited with Snapseed and taken with my Samsung mobile phone.

Day 207 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of one of my new Dahlias. Strange but different flower to the normal ones I grow. Edited with Snapseed and taken with my Samsung mobile phone.

Day 208 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of a very large print at Wakehurst Gardens. Cannot imagine what printer they used to print it. Edited with Snapseed and taken with my Samsung mobile phone.

Day 209 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of a very nice Carrot Cake. Yummy 😋 Edited with Snapseed and taken with my Samsung mobile phone.

Day 210 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of one of my Kingfisher photos turned into black and white and line art effect in Photoshop. Taken with my Samsung mobile phone.

Day 211 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of my new mini solar Gromit (from Wallace and Gromit). Edited with Snapseed and taken with my Samsung mobile phone.

Day 212 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of the flower of a plant known as Elephants Ears. Edited with Snapseed and taken with my Samsung mobile phone.

Day 213 of my 365 Challenge. Today’s photo is of one of the bees on my wildlife terracotta flower pot. Edited with Snapseed and taken with my Samsung mobile phone.