Out and About – July 2020

With some of the lock down restrictions easing, I have started to visit nature reserves again and taken my camera with me. Below are some of my latest photos:


Mating pair of Marbled White butterflies (BKPBUTT0010)
Mating pair of Marbled White butterflies
Mating pair of Marbled White butterflies (BKPBUTT0012)
Mating pair of Marbled White butterflies
Brimstone butterfly on Scabious (BKPBUTT0011)
Brimstone butterfly on Scabious
Small White Butterfly with Bee landing on it (BKPBUTT0014)
Small White Butterfly with Bee landing on it
Male Common Blue Butterfly (BKPBUTT0013)
Male Common Blue Butterfly
Underside of a Common Blue Butterfly (BKPBUTT0015)
Underside of a Common Blue Butterfly
Female Holly Blue Butterfly (BKPBUTT0016)
Female Holly Blue Butterfly
Comma Butterfly on Hemp Agrimony (BKPBUTT0017)
Comma Butterfly on Hemp Agrimony
Comma Butterfly Larvae On Elm (BKPBUTT0018)
Comma Butterfly Larvae On Elm
Female Silver-Washed Fritillary Butterfly (BKPBUTT0019)
Female Silver-Washed Fritillary Butterfly
Mating pair of Chalkhill Blue butterflies (BKPBUTT0020)
Mating pair of Chalkhill Blue butterflies
Brimstone butterfly on Scabious (BKPBUTT0021)
Brimstone butterfly on Scabious


I have never seen this in the wild before. A mating pair of Red-tailed bumblebees (Bombus lapidarius). I will be submitting the record to the bumblebee society for the UK records.

Mating pair of Red-tailed bumblebees (Bombus lapidarius) (BKPINSE0005)
Mating pair of Red-tailed bumblebees (Bombus lapidarius)