I entered three photos that were taken on my Samsung mobile phone, into my local camera clubs mobile phone competition in January 2024. The judge awarded me 19 out of 20 and a Highly Commended place for my photo: Dahlia Flower
I entered three images into my local camera clubs 2nd Monthly PDI (Projected Digital Image) competition. The judge awarded my London Night Time Scene – Black & White photo 20 out of 20 and also awarded it 2nd Place.
Following a talk at my local camera club, on Tuesday 9th January 2024, I decided to have a go at making a Triptych. A Triptych is a photo or painting made out of three sections or images. Below are a selection of the triptychs I have created:
For 2024, I have set myself a challenge. Will I manage to complete it….. A 365 photo challenge is a project where you capture an image every day for a year. It can be on any subject, be a big boost for your photography and motivate you. Before anyone asks […]
Whilst putting up the Christmas decorations outside, I heard a bird call I had not heard for around five years. Flying towards a local tree was a small flock of Waxwings. These birds come all the way from Scandinavia. They come in search of berries when crops run low closer […]
My third visit up to London this year. Following some advice, I booked a ticket to see and visit Southwark Cathedral in candlelight. This is a new challenge to me, as I have been used to taking wildlife for some time. Before going there, I spent some time trying out […]
With other photo events, I had a backlog of photos to process. In October 2023, I took a trip to WWT Arundel. Please visit my Latest Images gallery to see some of the photos.
I entered three images into my local camera clubs 1st Monthly PDI (Projected Digital Image) competition. The judge awarded my Underside Of A Orange Tip Butterfly 20 out of 20 and also awarded it a Highly Commended certificate.
After a four year break, due to the Covid-19 situation, my local camera club held its first Print exhibition in September 2023. After sitting and looking through many of my images, I decided I would print four of the PDI (projected digital image) I had entered into competitions. A public […]
A change for me this time. Not wildlife photography. With some friends, I took a day trip up to London. Armed with my DSLR I took a number of photos. Since publishing this blog article, I have been back two more times and so the gallery link below now is […]